Saturday, April 19 10 AM - 2 PM
Camp Casey
1276 Engle Rd
Coupeville, WA 98239
Join us to celebrate Earth Day on Whidbey Island! We’ll have activities, immersive experiences, volunteer opportunities, and other ways to get involved in your island home.
Free, family friendly, and open to all!
Organizations from across Whidbey Island will be offering immersive experiences enhanced by the beauty of Camp Casey’s unique location. Walk the beach and learn about marine and aquatic life. View the diversity of bird species at Crockett Lake through a pair of binoculars. Check out preservation efforts first-hand while walking through the heritage forest and Admiralty Inlet Preserve.
Join the following organizations at Camp Casey:
- Whidbey Camano Land Trust
- Sound Water Stewards
- Tulalip Tribes Natural Resources
- Pacific Rim Institute for Environmental Stewardship
- Orca Network
- Whidbey Audubon Society
- Whidbey Climate ACTION
- Price Sculpture Forest
- Sno-Isle Sierra Club
- Island Transit
- Whidbey Island Kayaking
- South Whidbey Tilth
- Whidbey Environmental Action Network
- WSU Extension Master Gardeners
- Island County Noxious Weed Control Board
- Island County Public Health
- Girl Scouts of Western Washington
- Saratoga Orchestra of Whidbey Island
- Whidbey Watershed Stewards
- YMCA Camp Casey
Does your group or organization want to participate? Sign up for a booth and/or to host an immersive experience for free here.