Upcoming Events

Garry Oak & Prairie Plant Work Party

South Whidbey Tilth 2812 Thompson Road, Langley, WA, United States

Join us for a prairie restoration work party in the upper meadow to cut back blackberries and clear around the Garry oaks. This area is a conservation easement for wildlife […]


Walking Ebey’s Trail System

Camp Casey 1276 Engle Rd, Coupeville, WA, United States

Celebrate Earth Day with the Whidbey Camano Land Trust at this trail system in Coupeville weeding and improving the trail. Level of Difficulty: Easy


Earth Day School Garden Volunteer Work Party

Crescent Harbor & Oak Harbor Elemenary Schools Oak Harbor, WA, United States

The Whidbey Island School Garden Coalition is working to revitalize garden spaces in Oak Harbor public schools and we need your help to make sure the gardens are usable and engaging for Oak Harbor students. We are hosting a series of volunteer events around Earth Day. Contact Hannah Andersen at hannah@whidbeycd.org to learn more and […]
